A fifteen-year-old boy becomes more than a kissing cousin
with an eleven-year-old
* * *
When I was 15, the summer after ninth grade, my mother and I
went to my aunt's for the a month long vacation. My brother had
just graduated from high school, so he stayed home to work and
get ready for college. Both my mom and her sister are single, I see
my dad about once a month for a weekend and then for a couple of
weeks in the summer.
Doreen, my aunt, and Margo, my cousin, live together in a big old
house surrounded by farm land. The house used to be the home of
the farmer before he sold out to a big corporation and retired to
Florida. Now, the house sits on 3 acres amid fields of corn and
soybeans tended by hands that pull a salary from a company in Des
Moines. I was not looking forward to spending my summer
vacation away from my buds in LA, the whole thing sounded
pretty boring.
It took us four days to drive from California to Wisconsin; I
enjoyed seeing the Rocky Mountains. We did a little sight seeing
in Salt Lake and Cheyenne, and then arrived in Marshfield late.
When we arrive, I was shown to what would be my bedroom and,
after a shower, crashed.
A strange ringing woke me up right at 6 AM. I realized that it was
the chimes from a grandfather clock in the foyer downstairs. When
it fell silent, I was astounded by the quiet. The window was open
and I could hear a few birds, but that was all. No traffic, no
airplanes, no sirens. If I listened very carefully, I could here the
ticking of the clock and someone snoring in another room. The sky
was bright, but the sun was not up yet. I'm a city kid; I wasn't used
to the quiet.
I got up and pulled on some shorts, then went exploring the house.
It was huge! My bedroom opened onto a balcony over a formal
entranceway. The balcony ran three sides above the foyer. A
stairway ran down 20 steps to the first floor and front door. Down
stairs there were two living rooms, one had the TV, stereo, and
computer. The other was lined with books, used as a library. There
was also a formal dining room and then, in back, the largest
kitchen I had ever seen. While the house was huge, it was also old
and rather run down. Most of the rooms were in need of paint and
had old carpets. The kitchen was newly remodeled, however, as
were all the bathrooms.
I went out the back door from the kitchen in to the dirt driveway.
There were a couple of sheds and a structure which acted as a car
port. A white Toyota and my mother's minivan shared this. I didn't
get half way across the drive to the van, where my Game Boy was,
before I was assaulted by a swarm of mosquitoes. That's
something we don't have in LA. With a lot of slapping and
stomping, I retrieved the game and ran back to the house.
When I came into the kitchen I met Margo. She was looking into
the fridge. When I opened the door, she turned and smiled. "Hi,
you must be Mike, I'm Margo."
She was dressed in a cotton nightgown, baby roses on white. It
reached just below her knees. She had long dark hair around a cute
face with brown eyes and full lips. She was not fat, just about right.
The top two of four buttons at the top of her night gown were
undone. There was lace around the neck and the ends of the short
sleeves. Mom had told me she was eleven.
When she saw the Game Boy, she asked what games I had. I was
pleasantly surprised that she had many of the games I had. The
next thing I knew, we were sitting on either end of her bed with
and interface cable between our systems, battling it out.
After she finished an especially loud giggle at my embarrassment
for having lost the third battle in a row, Doreen stuck her head
through the door.
"I see you two have met," she said. "Breakfast in about ten
minutes." Then, looking at Margo; "Quiet down some, Janet is still
sleeping." After two more battles, I won the first but then was
dismally outclassed in the second, we headed down for food. I
stopped at my room and pulled out some real clothes on the way.
I guess the rest of the day was a foreshadow of the rest of the
summer. I was not bored. Margo showed me around the house and
through the out buildings. I met the horses and was butted be a
mean goat. We walked through the corn to some woods and a
stream. Later, Margo introduced me to fishing. I had never so
much as baited a hook. I felt vindicated from the morning's games
when I caught the largest fish. Doreen cleaned them and fed the
bluegill to us for lunch. That afternoon, I rode a horse for the first
time. The old nag Doreen gave me was good natured and tolerant, I
didn't fall off once. That wasn't the case later when I tried to get
on Margo's Arabian.
That evening we drove into town to see a movie. The theatre is a
four screen Cineplex, Margo and I went to one movie while our
mothers went to another. Sitting in the dark, next to Margo, I
realized that I really had enjoyed being with her that day. During
and especially scary part, she clutched my arm. Then, later, I had
my arm around her.
I had broken up with my girlfriend a couple of months earlier. At
first, I had moped around quite a bit. I was really in love with her.
We had been an item at the school dances for over a year. But the
attraction of the older guys, who could drive, was too much and
she had found someone else. I was crushed at first but had gotten
over it. I had felt some vindication when I took an eleventh grade
cheerleader to the end-of-school dance. I was shocked when, later
that evening, she had jumped me. So, I went off to Wisconsin that
summer having been with two girls. The first, we had made love
many times, the second, we fucked in her family room with her
parents asleep upstairs.
There, in the dark, cuddled up with Margo, I really wondered what
I was doing. She was warm and soft as she melted against me, she
really felt good. She was also eleven. I guessed I could deal with it,
I didn't know anyone in this town. Fuck 'em.
We walked out of the movie holding hands but Margo dropped my
hand when she saw her mother. She took it again in the dark of the
back seat as we rode home. That evening, she hugged me on the
landing at the top of the stairs before going to bed. I lay awake for
a few minutes, thinking. When I remembered how cute she looked
at the river, then how wonderful it felt to have her lean against me
in the theatre, I guess I began to have a crush on her.
The next day was rainy, something I am not used to. We were all
cooped up in the house. I spent some time surfing the internet, then
watched a rerun of a game on ESPN. After the game, Margo
insisted that we watch a tape of "Home Alone II". I had seen it
before-it had its' moments. As we watched it, I was sitting on the
end of the sofa. Margo started on the other end, then put her feet up
so they were against me. Later, she turned around and was leaning
up against me with her feet on the other end. I couldn't help but
put my arm around her, down across her chest, resting my hand on
her hip. At one point, when I straightened up, I looked over her
shoulder and down her shirt; she was wearing a muscle-man shirt. I
smiled to myself when I got a good look at her----training bra.
What the hell had I been expecting?
The next morning was muggy and misty. The house was not air
conditioned, and that was the first time I was at all uncomfortable
from the heat. I helped Margo feed the horses and muck out their
pens. She suggested that we go swimming after breakfast. I had not
noticed a pool anywhere. After we ate, she ran upstairs and then
reappeared wearing a tee shirt over a swim suit. "Go get your
trunks on, silly. I'm not going to wait for you."
I went and changed, still wondering where we were going. When I
got back down stairs, Margo was nowhere to be seen.
"She's out saddling the horses," was Mom's reply to my unasked
question. I went out to the paddocks just as Margo was finishing
putting the halter on Bess, the nag I had ridden earlier. We went
out the driveway and down the road. When a combine went by,
Margo waved to the driver, he waved back. Margo's Arabian
pranced about nervously from the noise; I don't think Bess even
noticed. About a mile down the road, we turned onto a dirt track
between two corn fields. After a couple of hundred of yards, we
were in the trees and to the stream, a different part than we had
fished in earlier. We crossed the stream and continued into the
woods. A little while later, we came out on the edge of a large pit,
full of water.
"What is this place?" I asked.
"It's an old gravel mine. Every spring, the stream floods it, then we
have it for swimming all summer."
Margo jumped off her horse and tied him to a tree. Then she ran to
the bank which was about four feet above the water. There was a
tree leaning out over the water. Margo pulled her shirt off; she was
wearing a bright orange bikini, and scrambled up the tree. Then,
from about 15 feet above the water, she dove in and disappeared.
She broke the water about 10 yards out from the bank, "Come on!
Be careful, it's deep." Then she disappeared again. I climbed up
the tree. It leaned over so far, that I could almost walk up it, but I
had to use my hands to steady myself. When I got to where Margo
had dove, I jumped. The water seemed deep, I did not touch
bottom with my feet. I broke the surface and started swimming to
Margo. The water was wonderful! I had grown up swimming in the
ocean, salt water, in the big California surf. Actually, I pride
myself on being pretty good on a surfboard. The only fresh water I
had ever swam in was at pools-chlorine. This lake water was
We swam around for a little while, then Margo climbed out and
spread a blanket on the grass. I got out and lay down next to her.
The sun was still in the trees and the mist was burning off. The sky
was clear, a brilliant blue. The sky in LA is always hazy. I don't
remember what we talked about, but I do remember that soon
Margo was laying half on me, her chest against mine. I remember
having butterflies in my stomach as I put my arm around her,
pulled her face toward mine, and kissed her. The kiss was mutual,
and very sweet. We kissed a couple of times, then, on the third
time, I opened my mouth and gently brushed her lips with my
tongue. Then we were locked in a rollicking French kiss. Margo
started breathing harder and moving her chest against mine. My
penis started to swell. When she lifted up to put her hips across my
thigh, her leg rubbed against it. I was embarrassed as she stopped
moving, then pulled back, looking me in the face with an amused
smile on her face. The next thing, she jumped up and ran and dove
into the lake, giggling. I followed her, knowing that the water
would cover me until I was more under control. As we rode back
to the house for lunch, we both acted as if nothing had happened.
Doreen served us sandwiches for lunch, then she and Mom left us
while they drove into Eau Claire to shop. This was going to keep
them away until dinner. As soon as the car had left the driveway,
Margo turned to me and hugged me. When she looked up at me,
her large brown eyes were enough to melt any heart. I leaned down
and kissed her.
A little later, we were cuddled up on the sofa, watching a movie.
Margo had taken off her bikini before lunch and was now wearing
a pair of shorts and the tee shirt she had had on earlier. I was still
in my trunks and a tee shirt. I had noticed that, this time, she was
not wearing the training bra. As the movie progressed, we kissed
some more. Eventually, she was turned around on the sofa, facing
me as we necked. It was so sweet and sexy kissing her. She was
breathing hard and started to push her chest against me. Again, my
dick started to swell. I'm not sure how, but she brushed against it
with one of her arms. I wasn't fully erect, but there was an
uncomfortable bulge in my trunk. When Margo brushed up against
it, she stopped, but then, after a pause, she did it again. She broke
the kiss and looked at me. Her expression was not amused, not
scared, it was knowing.
With my heart pounding, I pulled my hand from around her back
and slowly move it against her chest. She let out a ragged breath
when I brushed my finger tips over the small rise of her nipple,
through the material. She half closed her eyes as I continued
rubbing her nipple, a small high "ah" came from her throat. Then
she surprised me by reaching down and pulling her shirt off over
her head. She slid off my lap and lay down on the sofa; her look
imploring me.
I rolled off the sofa and knelt on the floor, kissing her deeply as I
continued to rub and finger her erect nipples. Margo really had no
breasts, just her nipples swelled, small reddish-purple cones
surrounded by white triangles of flesh. She had one of her arms
over her head; the other was around my shoulders. I sat back and
gazed at her preteen wonder. Then I leaned down and gently kissed
her nipple nearest me, then took the other between my lips and
sucked gently. Margo arched her back and moaned softly. She ran
her hand under my shirt and up my back. I sat back and pulled my
shirt off, still kneeling next to her. She put her hand on the center
of my chest, then moved it up and over my shoulder, pulling me
down to kiss her.
As we kissed, I had one hand under her and was caressed her
nipples with the other. Then I moved my hand down, over her flat
belly and onto her thigh. She sighed and lifted one knee up as I
pushed against her crotch through the fabric of her shorts. I ran my
finger up and down her slit, through the fabric. I could feel her
warmth through her shorts. Margo reached down and took my
hand, pulling it away. I thought she was going to redirect it back to
her chest, but instead she slid it up onto her belly, then back down,
this time under the elastic band of her pants. I marveled at the
feeling of a perfectly hairless girl. I had put my hand down a lot of
girls' pants, but I was used to the feel of the soft fur surrounding
their pussies. Margo had none. Her slit was wet and slippery and
my finger slid easily along it, no hair pulled at it. I felt the pea of
her clit, then pushed my finger into the entrance of her vagina. I
looked into her eyes, they showed nothing but desire. As I pushed
my finger into her, she half closed her eyes, blowing out a slow
breath. I pushed it into her, up to the second knuckle before pulling
out again. I rubbed around her clit, then pushed back inside her.
She breathed harder and her face began to flush.
She took her arm from around me and, with both hands, pushed her
shorts and panties down as she lifted her hips. I helped her slip
them off her ankles. Then I just stared at her glorious preteen body.
Her long dark hair was sprayed across the sofa and pillow, framing
her head with a halo. Her boyishly flat chest was capped by two
dark nipples, both erect and standing out from the whiteness of her
skin. Her stomach was flat, broken only by a small and well
formed navel. Then, at the meeting of her straight legs, the cleft of
her slit was made by two full pussy lips. Her clit, a pink ridge,
pushed out from between these. I had been with two girls before
this. The first had had a generous spread of dark curls, the second
had sparser red hair. Margo was completely clean and by far the
most beautiful.
Without thinking, I leaned down and kissed her pussy. There was a
sharp intake of breath as I ran my tongue along the slit, working
down between her legs, then pushing into the opening. Margo
gasped and humped into my face. She put her hand on the back of
my neck, pushing me against her preteen cunt. She was getting
very wet, her juices had just the hint of smell and taste of older
women. She was obviously building toward orgasm.
She took her hand away from my back and reached down between
me and the sofa. My cock was raging as she rubbed it through the
fabric of my swim trunks. Obviously, she had no idea what was
what, so I pushed my bathing suit down around my knees and
directed her hand to my cock. As I licked her slit I pushed one of
my fingers deep into her eleven-year-old canal. With the other
hand, I rubbed and pinched her nipples. She rubbed up and down
my cock, jerking me off.
When she climaxed, she bucked her hips into my face and groaned
loudly. At the same moment, I shot my load, spraying the cushions
of the sofa and Margo's hip with stream after stream of jiz.
When we came down off of our high, I sank back on my heals. Her
hip was covered with milky semen, a couple of shots had sprayed
across her belly, just above her slit. More was on the sofa and her
hand. A rope of goopy jiz strung down from the head of my
softening cock to my right thigh.
Margo looked at the slimy goo on her hand, then on her hip and
belly. As she wiped her hand down her hip, she said, "So that's
what it looks like." Then she reached up and sniffed her hand, then
wiped it on the sofa.
She sat up and faced me, looking slightly down on me. "We can
never tell Mother about this, she would kill me."
"Yeah, my mom wouldn't be too happy about it either," I said.
Then she looked with a serious expression; "I love you, Mike."
The butterflies in my stomach took off and filled my throat, "I love
you too."
Margo stood up and left me while she walked into the kitchen. I
heard the tearing sound of paper towel being pulled off the roll.
Then she came back into the living room. She was a goddess.
Margo has a really pretty face. Her forehead is large, deep brown
wide-set eyes, a small nose and small mouth with dark lips. Her
chin is not prominent, but not weak either. Her skin is very clear.
There are two very small moles beneath her right nipple. Her legs
are not either skinny or full, just perfectly proportioned.
She lay back down on the sofa. "Lie down here."
We stretched out together, I made sure that I was on the wet spot.
It felt wonderful to lie against her, cuddled up.
"Have you ever, you know, gone all the way?" she asked.
I considered lying, but decided that there was no way I could keep
it a secret and I couldn't stand the idea of hurting her. "Yeah," I
said, "a girlfriend and I...well, you know. We broke up a back in
She slowly nodded her head, a serious look on her face as she tried
to figure out what she should be feeling.
"Have you ever...?" I asked.
She smiled slightly, "No silly. All the boys my age are so....stupid.
You're the first boy I've ever kissed, at least, frenched."
"Where did you learn about frenching?"
"Oh, Mom and I talk a lot. She's told me all about sex, and making
love. That's how I knew you'd shoot your sperm if I rubbed you."
Then she paused, "I've never seen one before, at least not hard."
As we lay together and kissed, we started to heat up again. My
cock hardened against her thigh, her skin was so smooth and soft.
She started to breathe harder and gently hump against my hip. My
dick went from firm to rock hard as I ran my hand down over her
butt and then between her legs. I pushed my middle finger into her
cunt, slipping it in to the second knuckle, then pushing deeper until
I felt the knob of her cervix. I started finger fucking her in earnest,
then pushed two fingers inside her. She gasped as I felt something
give way. I realized that I had just popped her cherry. She clung
hard against me, not letting go when I pulled my hand away and
looked at it. My fingers were stained with her blood, not much.
"God, honey, I'm sorry," I said.
Margo lifted up and looked between us. There was blood on her
mound and spread on my thigh. She rolled off the sofa, "Can't get
it on the upholstery."
I sat up, then stood up. "Let's get cleaned up." I was a little
embarrassed because my cock was still rock hard, pointing up at an
angle toward her chest.
She took my hand and we half ran into the kitchen, my dick
bouncing. Then she stopped me in front of the sink, took some
paper towel, wetted it, and wiped her blood off of my hip. While
she did this, I could see that she was inspecting me. My cock was
down some, about half hard. The she took another piece and,
squatting slightly, wiped herself. She hissed and cringed with pain.
"That kind of stings," she said.
She threw the bloody towel in the waste basket and then turned to
me. My dick had softened, but it was still partially erect. "Oh, look
what happened," she said as she wrapped both handed around in
and started stroking. I quickly started regaining my hard on.
She pushed me back against a chair, "Sit down."
I did as she asked and was shocked when she knelt between my
knees. "Mom says guys really like it when you do this."
Then she took me in her mouth and started to suck my dick. I
couldn't believe what was happening. After sucking it in and out a
half dozen times, she licked along the entire shaft, from the base at
my balls to the head. Then she moved her tongue in a circular
motion around the head three of four times before again sucking it
deep into her mouth. After a couple of strokes, banging my cock
head against the back of her throat, she lifted up on one knee and
changed the angle of her head. Pulling it out of her mouth, she
looked up at me and said, "I'm not sure how to do this, but.." Then
she pushed back down on me, pushing the head of my cock past
the back of her mouth and down her throat. I was mesmerized as
my entire dick disappeared past her lips. Her nose pushed into my
sparse pubic hair. She pulled back, then pushed back, deep
throating me again.
Cum was boiling in me when she pulled away but continued
stroking me with both hands.
"I'm going to cum," I said.
She again took me in her mouth, sucking hard. After two more
strokes, I exploded into her mouth, pumping my sperm.
Margo grunted, saying "Oh" around my cock. Then she closed her
lips around it and continued to suck. I could feel her mouth
contracting as she repeatedly swallowed, drinking my jiz. When
she sat back on her heals, smiling and saying, "Slimy," through a
laugh, there was some of my cum smeared on her cheek at the
corner of her mouth. She wiped it away with the back of her hand.
"Mommy said that you guys liked that."
"You're beautiful. I love you, Margo."
With big eyes, she stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck.
Then she kissed me. I could taste my cum on her lips and in her
mouth, but I didn't mind. We went back into the living room and
spent the rest of the afternoon hugging and cuddling. When we
heard the crunch of the gravel under the cars' wheels, we ran
upstairs laughing to our separate rooms. Margo put her same
clothes on, I dressed in jeans and a shirt. When I came into the
kitchen, Margo was telling our mothers about the movies we had
watched that afternoon.
That night, alone in my room, I marveled at what had happened
that day. I fell asleep after jerking off into a pair of my under
shorts, thinking of Margo the whole time.
The next morning, Mom and Doreen told us that they were
planning a road trip to a place called The Dells and Chicago. We
packed up the van and were in The Dells by the afternoon. Margo
and I had a great time at a water park. That evening we ate at a
Bonanza, then stayed at a motel. The four of us stayed in the same
room. Margo and Doreen in one bed, Mom in the other, and me on
a rollaway. This was also the sleeping arrangements for the two
nights we spent in Chicago. Margo and I had a great time
exploring the Field Museum, the Shedd Aquarium, and the Science
and History Museum. We were both kind of grossed out by the
cross-sectioned person preserved in glass.
During the days, we snuck kisses when we could be alone, once we
were almost caught when we thought we were alone while walking
along the lakefront. We had one very romantic kiss at the top of the
Sears Tower, looking out over the lights of the City of Big
Maybe we weren't as discreet as we should have been, my Mom
caught on that we were more than just two cousins and, once while
we were alone in the hotel room, she commented about how we
were such cute "kissing cousins." She simply didn't know how
much in love we were.
Four days after leaving, we got back to Marshfield. It was late and
Margo and I fell asleep cuddled up together in the back of the van.
When we woke up, Doreen said, "Come on you two sweethearts,
time to get in your OWN beds." I think our cover was blown.
It was raining our first day back, so, again, we had no chance to be
alone. We cared for the horses, did laundry and recovered from the
trip. In the afternoon, all four of us went grocery shopping and
rented a couple of DVDs for the evening. I went to bed at about 10
and fell asleep watching the almost full moon.
It was a little after midnight when Margo woke me up by touching
my arm. She put her finger across her lips in the gesture for silence.
Then she beckoned me to follow her. We tip-toed down the stairs
and out into the back yard. Some mosquitoes whined around my
ears as we crossed to a screened gazebo in the back yard. The
rooms that Mom and Doreen slept in were on the front of the house
so, if we were quiet, they wouldn't know we were out. Margo
closed the door behind her, then turned to me. Without saying a
word, she lifted her night gown over her head and stood naked in
the moon light.
I was dumbfounded. There is nothing more beautiful in the
universe. The moonlight lit her to make her skin silvery. Her dark
hair was around her shoulders, dark nipples against her white chest.
The light was bright enough that the crease of her pussy stood out
as a dark line above where her silvery thighs met. I pulled off my
under shorts. My cock wasn't erect yet, just firming and sticking
out slightly. She came to me and we wrapped our arms around
each other, kissing deeply. My cock pushed against her stomach. I
had to lean over a little uncomfortably to kiss her standing up.
I gently pushed her back and she sat down on an anarondac chair.
She leaned forward and took my cock in her mouth, gently sucking
it in and out. My knees were weak. I watched as, in the moonlight,
my tool ran in and out of her mouth, feeling the slightly rough
tongue against the bottle, the moist smoothness of the roof of her
mouth on the top, the slight scrapeing of her teeth along the shaft
as she sucked.
After a couple of minutes, the cum was building to the exploding
point, but I wanted this to last. I pushed her back. She leaned back
in the chair, semi reclining. Her legs were spread, I was standing
between her knees. I knelt down and started licking her hairless slit.
She was already very wet, my tongue moved up and down between
her smooth pussy lips. I was amazed at how smooth it is to go
down on a hairless pussy. I pursed my lips and sucked on her tiny
clit, then pushed my tongue into her vaginal opening. Her
breathing was ragged and rapid, she started making little grunting
noises as more virgin pussy juices flowed over my tongue. I
covered her entire pussy with my mouth. My lower lip was across
her paranebrum. My upper lip was above the top of her slit, where
the gentle rise of her mound starts. The large tendons which run
down the inside of her thighs fit nicely in the corners of my mouth.
I moved my tongue up and down her slit, first around her clit, then
pushing into her vagina. With little preamble she shuddered and
groaned, an orgasm washing over her. Her preteen pussy juices
flowed into my mouth, I actually had to swallow some.
When she had stopped quivering, I straightened up and looked at
her. She sat up and kissed me, first just on the lips, then deeply.
She pulled away, her hands on my shoulders and giggled. "So
that's what my pussy tastes like."
I laughed too. "Yeah, I love it."
She giggled again, then her face became serious. "Put it inside me
[pause] please."
She leaned back into the chair, sliding down. My cock rubbed up
against her slit. In the dim light, I could just make out her pussy in
the shadows. I rubbed the head of my cock down her slit, feeling
the slickness between the fleshy lips. I reached down with my
hands on her hips, then, using my thumbs, I spread her pussy open.
Then I gently pushed my dick into her. First, just the head pushed
in. Margo gasped. I stopped.
"It hurts a little," she said.
I pulled back some, then pushed in again. This time I could feel my
entire dick head enveloped in the tight, warm, wetness. Margo
looked into my face, an open expression of wonder and love on her
face. Again I pulled back, then I pushed deeper into her, my dick
sliding all the way into her until I hit the end. Over half of my cock
was buried in her sex. I started humping, pushing in and out.
Margo again started to breathe deeply, exhaling every time I slid
deep inside her preteen cooch.
I can't describe how beautiful she was, laying there in the
moonlight underneath me. She writhed with each push, groaning
quietly. She put her arms up, grasping the high back of the chair
above her head and met my pushes by thrusting her hips up to meet
I leaned forward and kissed her. Margo wrapped her arms around
me, leaning forward. She slid off the edge of the chair as I leaned
back on my heals. She was now impaled on me. She lifted up, then
slid down, panting each time. I leaned back, then I was on my back
with Margo on top of me, bouncing up and down on me. She
leaned forward, kissing me deeply, then straightened up, her hands
on my chest. With two more strokes, Margo shuddered and
groaned. Her pussy spasmed, squeezing down on my cock. I blew
my load into her, pumping shot after shot of my sperm deep into
her preteen cunt. With each shot, Margo grunted. I'm sure she
could feel my semen flooding against her cervix, my sperm
pushing through into her preteen womb. She collapsed against me,
her hair was matted with sweat. She was panting against me, my
cock still deep inside her.
We lay together there, on the floor, for about 10 minutes before
Margo moved again. She lifted her head off my chest and kissed
me. When she moved, my cock slid out of her.
"I love you, Mike," she said.
"I love you too." Then, after a pause, "God, your wonderful.
You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
A few minutes later, we snuck back into the house and kissed good
night on the stairway landing. In the morning, I woke up to the sun
streaming in my window.
Margo was quiet at breakfast. Mom had made us some pancakes.
Our parents chatted as only sisters can do. After she had finished,
Margo asked Doreen if we could go swimming. Again we saddled
the horses and headed for the quarry.
When we got there, we tied the horses, then Margo pulled of the
shirt and shorts she was wearing over her bikini. Then she stripped
off the bikini and ran and dove into the lake. I stripped down and
followed her. I had never been skinny dipping before, the feeling
of the water around my cock and balls was new to me.
After just a short dip, Margo climbed out of the water and lay
down on the blanket we had brought. I followed. As I walked to
her, she was laying on her back, propped up on her elbows. She
had one knee up, the other leg stretched out. She was smiling. My
dick was swelling at the sight of her.
I lay down next to her, on my side. As I kissed her, she reached
over and started stroking my dick. We frenched some more as she
slowly pushed me back. I rolled flat on my back. Then Margo sat
up and leaned down to my pole. She took me in her mouth, I
watched in wonder as she sucked me deep into her smooth mouth,
then pulled back. I lay back and looked into the sky as Margo
sucked me.
My jez was boiling. I pulled her off and up to kiss her. Then I
asked her to sit on my face. Margo was giggling as she straddled
my head. Her pussy was against my lips. I pushed my tongue into
her slit and watched her up across her stomach and flat chest. Her
nipples stood out from her chest. She opened her mouth with an
intake of breath. She had her hands on the front of her thighs, on
each side of my head. She started rocking back and forth, rubbing
her pussy against my mouth. I eagerly tongued her clit and vagina.
Quite suddenly, she ground her pussy into my face, so hard I was
afraid it hurt her. At the same time, a rush of her mild pussy juice
wet my lips and ran into my mouth. I was amazed that and eleven-
year-old could experience female ejaculation. She leaned forward,
now my forehead was against her belly, just below her navel. She
was panting. I reached down and started stroking myself.
"Honey, scoot down, I want to fuck you," I said. Margo moved
down, painfully grinding one of her knees into my shoulder. As
she moved, I pointed my dick in what I thought would be the right
angle. It banged against her ass hole and she pulled forward. I
repositioned, putting the head of my cock against the opening to
her preteen pus. Margo leaned back and my dick easily slid into
her tight warmth.
I was buried deep into her girl-cunt. Margo started rocking back
and forth, the same as she had done the night before. She
repeatedly impaled herself on my pole, sliding forward, then
slamming my dick deep inside her. She was streaming with sweat,
and started groaning.
It seemed that she screamed "Ahhh, Ahhh, AHHHH!!!" as her
preteen pussy clamped down on my cock. At the same time, I
pumped shot after shot into her. It seemed we came for five
minutes, clinging against each other in a mad embrace. We lay
together, Margo panting on top of me, my dick buried deep inside
her, until we both fell sleep.
After just a few minutes we woke up, then took another swim.
With regret, we put our clothes back on and climbed back onto the
horses. They had quietly stood and watched our lovemaking.
When we arrived back at the house, Doreen was there but Mom
had run into town. Margo and I played video games until she
arrived. When Mom came in she went upstairs. A few minutes
later, she called me.
I knew that something was up when she asked me to close the door.
Without saying a word, she handed me a small plastic bad with a
box in it. I looked into the bag to see a blue green package of
Trojan condoms.
"I saw you last night in the screen room," she said.
The blood pounded in my ears and I felt a little faint.
"Mike, I know that I can't stop nature, I know that you and Margo
have a real crush on each other. Just don't think that because she is
only eleven she can't get pregnant."
I was dumbfounded, not really knowing what to say. I think I made
some incoherent noises.
"You and Debbie were always responsible, I know that. I expect
you to be responsible with your little cousin too. That's all I have
to say. Don't go down stairs right now, Doreen and Margaret are
having the same conversation right now." After a pause, "Are you
"Yeah. Thanks Mom. Thanks for being so..."
Mom walked across the room to me and hugged me. "I love you
Mike. I want you to know what you have to do. If you're going to
behave like an adult, you have to behave like an adult. Do you
I went into my room and played a game until Doreen called Mom
and me down to lunch. Margo was silent and wouldn't look at me
as we ate. After the meal, Mom and Doreen took off in the car, we
weren't invited. They left us sitting at the table as the car drove
down the driveway.
"Is your mom pissed?" I asked.
"I don't think so. I'm not sure. I think she's...disappointed."
"My mom gave me a box of rubbers. Do you know what those
"Of course, silly. Mom said that if we don't use them I could get
pregnant." Then she was silent for a few moments. "But, I've
never even had a period."
"Well," I said, "I guess we better be careful."
We spent the rest of the day lazing around the house. Mom and
Doreen came back after only about 20 minutes. That evening, as I
helped Doreen with the dishes she said, "If you two stay in the
same room, don't be loud about it. I'm not sure I want to know."
That night, after everyone had gone to bed, I went to Margo's
room. She rolled over and looked at me when I opened the door. I
closed it behind me, then pulled off my underwear. As I walked
across the room to her, she pulled back the covers. It was quite
dark in the room, and I couldn't see her well but my suspicions
were confirmed when I slid in next to her and felt her naked body
next to mine.
We cuddled and kissed, holding each other tightly. My penis was
rock hard against her. She reached down between us and stroked
me while I reached around behind her and fingered her wet pussy.
Soon she was panting, humping against me. My jiz was building, I
decided it was time.
I rolled away from her and felt around on the bedside table for the
condom I had brought. I had been through this drill many times
with Debbie, so I knew to pre-tear the foil. Margo watched as I
rolled the sheath over my dick, not saying anything. I pushed her
onto her back and climbed into the missionary position. Through
the numbness of the latex, I felt my head push against her, then her
vagina open to let me slide inside.
This was the first time we had ever fucked with me on top. Margo
lifted her legs on either side of my hips and wrapped them around
the backs of my legs as I rocked her back and forth. I was careful
to support my weight on my elbows as I slid in and out of her. She
was breathing faster, keeping pace with my thrusts, her arms
around me. She started humping up to meet my thrusts and making
low moans each time I plunged into her.
She locked me in an incredibly tight embrace, digging her heels
painfully into my calves as she was rocked by an incredibly intense
orgasm. I emptied my sac at the same time, slamming my rod
against her eleven-year-old cervix. I pumped and pumped sperm,
ejaculating at least ten times, each time as she humped up to meet
my thrust.
We lay panting, drenched in sweat. I rolled off of Margo and
stripped the rubber off, dropping it on the floor next to the bed. We
lay together in the dim and cuddled and kissed for at least 20
minutes. When I got up and went to take a leak, I threw the full
condom in the toilet. Then I returned to her. Margo was sound
asleep, snoring gently. I wrapped myself around her, like spoons,
and fell asleep.
We were awakened by Doreen's voice. "Come on lovebirds; time
to get up." I looked over my shoulder to see her in the doorway.
"You two make a really cute couple there."
Margo giggled, "Good morning Mommy," then hugged me and
giggled again.
"I see you two did what you were told," she said, gesturing with
her chin to the empty wrapper on the bed stand. Then Doreen
locked her gaze on me; "If you knock up my daughter, I'll kill
you." She gently closed the door and we listened to her steps going
down the stairs.
For the remaining two weeks we were there, we did not have to
sneak around anymore. We could walk arm-in-arm and kiss when
we wanted to. I did get some strange looks from other people my
age and Margo introduced me to a few of her girlfriends from
school. They looked at me kind of curiously, but that was all.
We spent every night together making love.
Mom whistled and laughed when I said that I needed a new box
after just four days. "Quite the man, aren't you." That evening I
went to the grocery store while everyone else was in a fabric shop.
The evening before we left, Margo cried as we made love. Later
we both cried. Her face was ashen when we got into the car, I had
to hide the tear rolling down my face as we drove away.
After about 20 minutes, my Mother said, "I've invited Doreen out
for Thanksgiving. Do you think you can teach Margo to surf?"